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Atomic symbol: Ni
Atomic number: 28
Atomic weight: 58.71
Atomic volume: 6.59 cm3/mol
Density: 8.90 g/cm3
Period Number: 4
Group number: 10
Group name: Trans. Met.
Element classification: Metal


Phase at room temperature: Solid
Melting Point: 1726.2 K
Boiling point: 3193 K
Heat of fusion: 17.470 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 370.40 kJ/mol


Ionization Energy: 7.640 eV
1st ionization energy: 736.7 kJ/mole
2nd ionization energy: 1752.9 kJ/mole
3rd ionization energy: 3393.4 kJ/mole
Electronegativity: 1.91
Electron affinity: 111.5 kJ/mole
Specific heat: 0.44 J/gK
Heat atomization: 430 kJ/mole atoms

Oxidation & Electrons

Shells: 2,8,16,2
Electron Shell Configuration: [Ar] 3d8 4s2
Minimum oxidation number: -1
Maximum oxidation number: 4
Minimum common oxidation number: 0
Maximum common oxidation no: 2

Appearance & Characteristics

Structure:: fcc: face-centered cubic
Color: silvery-white
Hardness: mohs
Toxicity: yes
Characteristics: hard, takes a high polish
Uses: alloys, coins, batteries


Reaction with air: mild, w/ht =>NiO
Reaction with 6M HCl: mild, =>H2, NiCl2
Reaction with 15M HNO3: passivated
Reaction with 6M NaOH: none

Other Forms

Number of isotopes: 5
Oxide(s): NiO
Hydride(s): NiH
Chloride(s): NiCl2


Atomic Radius: 124 pm
Ionic radius (1- ion): pm
Ionic radius (1+ ion): pm
Ionic radius (2- ion): pm
Ionic radius (2+ ion): 83 pm
Ionic radius (3+ ion): 72 pm


Thermal conductivity: 90.9 J/m-sec-deg
Electrical conductivity: 146.199 1/mohm-cm
Polarizability: 6.8 A^3


Source: sulfides, oxide/silicates
Relative abundance solar system: 4.693 log
Abundance earth's crust: 1.9 log
Estimated crustal abundance: 8.4×101 milligrams per kilogram
Estimated oceanic abundance: 5.6×10-4 milligrams per liter


(German Nickel, Satan and from kupfernickel, Old Nick's copper) Cronstedt discovered nickel in 1751 in kupfernickel (niccolite).


Nickel is found as a constituent in most meteorites and often serves as one of the criteria for distinguishing a meteorite from other minerals. Iron meteorites, or siderites, may contain iron alloyed with from 5 percent to nearly 20 percent nickel. Nickel is obtained commercially from pentlandite and pyrrhotite of the Sudbury region of Ontario, a district that produces about 30 percent of the world's supply of nickel.

Other deposits are found in New Caledonia, Australia, Cuba, Indonesia, and elsewhere.


Nickel is silvery white and takes on a high polish. It is hard, malleable, ductile, somewhat ferromagnetic, and a fair conductor of heat and electricity. It belongs to the iron-cobalt group of metals and is chiefly valuable for the alloys it forms.


It is extensively used for making stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant alloys such as Invar(R), Monel(R), Inconel(R), and the Hastelloys(R). Tubing made of copper-nickel alloy is extensively used in making desalination plants for converting sea water into fresh water.

Nickel, used extensively to make coins and nickel steel for armor plates and burglar-proof vaults, and is also a component in Nichrome(R), Permalloy(R), and constantan.

Nickel gives glass a greenish color. Nickel plating is often used to provide a protective coating for other metals, and finely divided nickel is a catalyst for hydrogenating vegetable oils. It is also used in ceramics, in the manufacture of Alnico magnets, and in the Edison(R) storage battery.


The sulfate and the oxides are important compounds. Natural nickel is a mixture of five stable isotopes; nine other unstable isotopes are known.

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