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Atomic symbol: At
Atomic number: 85
Atomic weight: (210)
Atomic volume: ?
Density: ?
Period Number: 6
Group number: 17
Group name: Halogen
Element classification: Semi-metal


Phase at room temperature: Solid
Melting Point: 575.2 K
Boiling point: K
Heat of fusion: ?
Heat of vaporization: ?


Ionization Energy: 9.5 eV
1st ionization energy: 890 kJ/mole
2nd ionization energy: kJ/mole
3rd ionization energy: kJ/mole
Electronegativity: 2.2
Electron affinity: 270 kJ/mole
Specific heat: ?
Heat atomization: 92 kJ/mole atoms

Oxidation & Electrons

Shells: 2,8,18,32,18,7
Electron Shell Configuration: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p5
Minimum oxidation number: -1
Maximum oxidation number: 7
Minimum common oxidation number: -1
Maximum common oxidation no: 1

Appearance & Characteristics

Structure:: ?
Color: ?
Hardness: mohs
Toxicity: ?
Characteristics: Radioactive
Uses: ?


Reaction with air: ?
Reaction with 6M HCl: ?
Reaction with 15M HNO3: ?
Reaction with 6M NaOH: ?

Other Forms

Number of isotopes: 0
Oxide(s): ?
Hydride(s): HAt
Chloride(s): ?


Atomic Radius: pm
Ionic radius (1- ion): pm
Ionic radius (1+ ion): pm
Ionic radius (2- ion): pm
Ionic radius (2+ ion): pm
Ionic radius (3+ ion): pm


Thermal conductivity: J/m-sec-deg
Electrical conductivity: 1/mohm-cm
Polarizability: 6 A^3


Source: Synthetic(Th or U decay)
Relative abundance solar system: log
Abundance earth's crust: log
Estimated crustal abundance: Not Applicable
Estimated oceanic abundance: Not Applicable


(Gr. astatos: unstable) Synthesized in 1940 by D.R. Corson, K.R. MacKenzie, and E. Segre at the University of California by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles. The longest-lived isotopes, with naturally occurring uranium and thorium isotopes, and traces of 217At are equilibrium with 233U and 239Np resulting from integration of thorium and uranium with naturally produced neutrons. The total amount of astatine present in the earth's crust, however, is less than 1 oz.


The "time of flight" mass spectrometer has been used to confirm that this highly radioactive halogen behaves chemically very much like other halogens, particularly iodine. Astatine is said to be more metallic than iodine, and, like iodine, it probably accumulates in the thyroid gland. Workers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory have recently used reactive scattering in crossed molecular beams to identify and measure elementary reactions involving astatine.

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